一般社団法人小平市国際交流協会【Kodaira International Friendship Association(KIFA)】は、2022年4月1日に設立されました。小平市における市民主体の国際交流並びに在住外国人への支援を推進することにより、国際相互理解と地域の多文化共生を図り、日本人・外国人が互いに連携し、生活上の様々な課題の解決を進められる住みよい地域づくりに寄与することを目的としています。
What is Kodaira International Friendship Association (KIFA)?
Kodaira International Friendship Association (KIFA) was established as a general incorporated association on April 1, 2022. Its purpose is to propel citizen-centered international friendship exchange as well as provide support for foreign residents in Kodaira city; through international mutual understanding and an aim for multicultural coexistence, Japanese and foreign citizens will be able to cooperate with each other and thus solve various issues in everyday life, thereby contributing to create a pleasant and comfortable community to live in.
Its predecessor named Kodaira International Friendship Association was established on December 26th, 1990. With citizens at the core of the association, its purpose was to promote international friendship exchange and facilitate international exchange with foreign countries. In spite of changing over to a new operation framework, the original ideals, including the vision of multicultural coexistence, will continue to be upheld.
What does KIFA do?
The following list of objectives outline its activities:
1) Events and activities regarding promotion of multicultural coexistence
2) Events and activities regarding international friendship exchange
3) Events and activities regarding international understanding
4) Information gathering, investigative research and advertising
5) Management and operation of facilities used for international exchange and multicultural coexistence, etc
6) Additional events and activities necessary to achieve the organization’s objectives