In the Chat, let’s speak in “yasashii nihongo (simple Japanese)”. You are free to ask any questions that you would like, such as;
-The Corona Virus and vaccination.
-Daily life in Japan.
-What to do when having babies.
-Childrearing, kindergarten, nursery school, elementary and other schools.
-What to do in case of big earthquakes and other natural disasters.
When: Sunday, Sep.26, 2021 14:00 – 15:30
Where: Kodaira International Friendship Association (KIFA) Community Center Gakuennishi-machi 3rd floor
Address: 12-22 Gakuennishi-machi 2-chome, Kodaira City
Number of participants: 10 non-Japanese people in order of application. (Japanese members of KIFA will also attend the Chat).
To apply: Please send an email to with some information about yourself;
1) what languages you speak, 2) your name and a brief self introduction, 3) subjects you would like to talk about in the Chat.
Dead line for application: Wednesday, Sep.15
Everybody is invited to join the Chat. It is free of charge.
To join the Chat, please be reminded;
☆ to bring your own drink.
☆ to wear a mask and mind social distancing.
☆ there will be Japanese participants who speak English or Chinese.