小学校に入学する親子のための 教室を やります。外国出身の 親子のための 教室です。ひらがなの練習や あいさつなどを 勉強します。
2月4日・11日・18日・25日(土) 午後2時~3時
Preparation Lesson for Non-Japanese Parents and Preschool Children
Can experience the atmosphere of a Japanese elementary school. Free of charge.
Saturday, February 4, 11, 18 and 25 from 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Gakuen Nishi-machi Community Center 3rd floor
※こどもが教室で勉強しているときに、親だけ 相談会にきてもいいです。
Consultation on Elementary School Entrance Preparation for Parents/Guardians will be held at the same time!
You can consult on elementary school preparation. You may participate only in the consultation session.
Please bring the materials you have received at an admission briefing session of the elementary school you plan to enroll in. Both English and Chinese interpreters & Childcare service available.
Saturday, February 25 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm
チラシはこちら→ 小学校準備教室チラシ掲示用